German is an important language that is spoken not only in Germany. It is sometimes spoken, usually by those living in Eastern Europe. In Germany, Austria, Switzerland, and Liechtenstein, it is also the dominant language. It is among the most commonly uttered dialects and one of the languages most widely taught globally. It's not always easy to learn the German language. It has various gender rules. Nonetheless, many are not aware of how widely spoken it is. If you want more information then see the best books to learn German.
German Language Facts
It also has an additional letter, ß. The letter is called the Eszett, which has a sharp "S" sound. This "S" is like a double "S." Therefore, when you read the word Straße, the ß sound is a sharp "S." It is important to note, other countries that speak German don't use the Eszett but instead, use the ss in its place. For instance, when you write the word heiß, which means hot, you would spell it as Heiss.
Germans are well known for their incredibly long terms. One of the most comprehensive German vocabulary words is "Grundstücksverkehrsgenehmigungszuständigkeitsübertragungsverordnung," which means regulation delegation of authority concerning land conveyance permissions.
The German language consists of over five million words, with more added daily. The language has added about one-third of the phrases in the last century. The new terms added means the German language contains far more words than the English language. In everyday conversation, we use much fewer words.
This new terminology comes from the official way of speaking. In other words, short sentences can break down into a more concise and unique format. For example, "Waschmaschine" consists of the phrase "washing" and "machine." The idea of creating terms by joining single words together to make one word demonstrates that the German language has a rich and expansive vocabulary.
If you see a long word term, this is not a problem as you learn the language because you can probably break it down into shorter, more understandable words. German has a peculiar way of making new terms from an existing one. For example, in German, die Orange (Orange) and der Saft (juice) is der Orangensaft, meaning orange juice in English.
History Behind Germanic Languages
In the early stages of Germany, there were several small feudal states. The authors of that period attempted to write to understand the people of the largest possible region. It was a significant journey to language unification.
The High German consonant change affected the formation of the language system. The unique consonant system of German, which remains distinct from all other West Germanic languages, results from historical tradition.
A simplification of German inflectional grammar occurred several hundred years ago, triggered by reducing vowels in unstressed syllables. That's why the 11th century was the beginning of the German Middle High Age.
The German Language of Today
When learning the German language, some people also use Standard German or what's known as High German as their dialect choice. Students learn this form of German in school. Outside of the school system, there are several other types of German dialect spoken.
It is possible to trace the rise of many of the new German phrases to the German Economic Miracle. Of course, the German Economic Miracle is the country's growth after World War II. The language evolved from the Germanic tongue into what we consider German Deutsch today.
The language split into two different varieties over many centuries. There was what's called low German and High German or Hochdeutsch. However, Low German seems to have faded due to various factors, leaving High German as the primary language today.
However, pronunciations can vary from region to region. Many people refer to the Bavaria region of Germany as an example of an area with a different dialect. Should you spend time in Eastern Europe, you will find several different German dialects. The accent in Bavaria, for example, is a type of German that even some Germans don't understand.
German and English are Related Languages
German and English are closely related today and are part of the Germanic branch of the European language. German and English are related because they share similar vocabularies. English's primary influence is the Germanic languages, with Dutch and French having a significant impact on this language. The percentage of speech shared between English and French is low compared to that of German and English.
Remember, Standard German is just another term for the High German language. High German is a combination of both Austrian and Middle German. Most Austrians do not mind speaking their tongue because the variations between Austrian and German are not significant. It's still possible to understand one another.
Denglish is another name for the German-English hybrid word. Many of these words are usually spoken or written by teenagers and young adults. Many English natives are interested in this term and want to learn German phrases and expressions developed by the Germans.
Not All German is the Same
Standard German is a family of Germanic dialects spoken mainly in the north-central part of Germany. Other native German speakers report that the way the word's pronunciation in German is the most accurate.
Though German is a national dialect, people speak German with varied accents. The dialect spoken in Bavaria is the most complex to understand throughout Germany. It is usually available with English subtitles in other areas in Germany as well.
Final Verdict
Germany is by far the most spoken native language in the European Union's most important economic region. English shares a great range of vocabulary with German. Many words are pronounced the same and have overlapping meanings. It does not matter that German has complicated grammar because English and German are still known as related languages.
If you chose to visit Germany as an English speaker, you would be able to get around with some level of ease; however, to have a great conversation, you would need to take the time to learn the language. Even though it's considered a difficult language to learn, it's not impossible because knowing its sister language allows you to learn much faster.