Finding yourself in a tight financial bind is not a pleasant situation, but it definitely happens. A few too many unexpected bills or emergencies can leave you strapped for cash and looking for a solution. Cash was designed to help customers find a lender that can provide them with a loan that will meet their needs.

If you want to learn more about Cash, read through our review below. We'll go through how the application process works and share some other information about using this resource to get a short-term loan.


  • They have a large network of lenders, so they'll be able to find the right lender to provide the loan you need.
  • You can determine if your state allows for cash advances and view the possible loan terms through the website before submitting a request.
  • The "Rates and Fees" section can help you get an idea of the total amount you'll need to repay based on the amount of your loan.
  • Applying for a loan is pretty simple using the online form.
  • You may receive approval within a few hours.
  • Cash may be able to be transferred to your account by the next business day.
  • Cash Advance has been in business since 1997.
  • Your personal information stays private and protected.
  • You can reach out to a customer service agent or look through the resources on the site if you have questions or need additional information.

Is Cash Advance the Right Choice for Me?

Short-term loans are not for everyone. Since short-term loans have higher rates and will be more expensive to pay back, they should be viewed as a last resort when you are facing a true financial crisis. That being said, there are definitely times when applying for a short-term loan is the right choice to make.

If you're in a financial bind and won't be able to pay an important bill, you may want to use Cash Advance. It could mean the difference between keeping your apartment, having your car impounded, or being able to afford that important medical procedure for yourself of a member of your family.

When you use their services, you can be confident that you're working with an established and reputable company. Cash Advance has been in business since 1997 and has helped numerous individuals find a lender for the loan they need.

When you request a loan on their website, your request is protected with 256-bit secured encryption. Many individuals, event those with poor credit score, are able to find a lender using Cash Advance that can help them get the loan they need.

Cash Advance has also made it easy to submit requests and find a lender. You can access their website to start the process from your computer or mobile device. Many times, you'll receive a reply from one of the lenders who work with Cash Advance within a few minutes.

State Availability

Due to different laws in different states, you may not be able to receive a short-term loan depending on where you live. Different states also have different rules that govern the maximum loan amounts and terms for the loan.

When you visit Cash Advance's website, you can click on the "State Info" tab to view the specific availability and terms in your state. Click on your state on the map or the list under the map, and you'll be able to view whether a cash advance is available, the maximum loan amount and any maximums or minimums that are placed on the loan term. The information for your state regulator is also listed if you want more information about your state's specific rules and regulations.

Requirements for Requesting a Loan

Before you can submit a loan request, you'll need to confirm that you meet Cash Advance's requirements for receiving a loan. In order to submit a request, you need to be a United State's citizen, at least 18 years old, currently holding a job with a monthly income of at least $1,000 after taxes, be able to verify your employment, hold a checking account, and have a valid email address, home phone number, and work phone number.

Rates and Fees for Cash Advances

Before applying for a loan, you'll be able to get a good idea of what the rates and payments may look like using the resources on the website. Visit the "Rates and Fees" section, and you can use the sliders to set the loan amount you're requesting and the length of time you'll need the loan for. You'll be able to view an estimate of the APR and the total amount you'll end up paying when you pay back your loan.

This feature can help you determine how much above the amount of your loan you'll need to pay back, so you can start making a plan to ensure you'll be able to repay your loan.

Requesting a Loan

If you are ready to request a loan, click on the "Start Here" tab on the website. Cash Advance's information form is designed to help you quickly input any necessary information needed to receive a loan. After you fill out the form and submit it, Cash Advance will begin searching for a lender for you.

After they have completed their search, if a lender agrees to provide you a loan, you'll see the offer and the next steps you'll need to take in order to receive the loan. After reading through the offer, terms, conditions, and next steps, you can either approve the offer or decline it.

You may also be able to receive a line of credit through some of the lenders with Cash Advance. Again, if you receive an offer for a line of credit loan, be sure to read through the terms and conditions of the loan before accepting it and receiving your money.

Once your loan is approved, many lenders will be able to complete a direct deposit transfer of the funds to your account. Often, this can occur in as little as one day.

If you do receive a loan, you will want to be sure to make all the required payments on time. Some lenders automatically withdraw the payments from your account when they are due. Closely read the terms and conditions of the loan to see if this will be the case, so you can make sure you have enough funds in your account when payments are due.

Why Choose Cash Advance?

Unlike some other loan options you may find, Cash Advance has been in business for over 20 years, making them a reputable company you can trust. They are committed to being upfront and honest and make sure all of their customers understand how short-term loans work. They will not try to pressure or push you into accepting a loan that is not right for you.

Cash Advance can help match you with a lender who is willing to offer you a loan. Rather than checking with various lenders on your own, without really knowing where to start, they can take care of all the leg work for you.

Cash Advance also works with numerous lenders, increasing the chances that they'll be able to find a lender who can offer you a loan that will work for your needs and situation. Their service is free, so you won't have to pay anything beyond the interest for your loan.

They also take measures to make sure that your personal information stays protected. Each day, tests are run on their site by Comodo to make sure it is safe from being hacked.

Finally, Cash Advance offers excellent customer service. You can reach out to one of the members of their customer service team if you have questions or need assistance. You'll also find a variety of resources on their website about loans and other financial information that can be very helpful.


  • When you use Cash Advance, they'll search through numerous lenders for you to find the right fit for your needs.
  • The online form is simple to fill out and will not take up much of your time.
  • It is possible that the money for your loan may be deposited in your account within a day of being approved for the loan.


  • Short-term loans do not have very favorable rates, so you will only want to apply for one when it is absolutely necessary.

Final Verdict

If you are facing a potential financial crisis, a short-term loan may be the solution you're looking for. Cash Advance can help match you with the right lender to receive the loan you need. Visit their website today to learn more about the process and request a loan.


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