Are you looking for a program that will help you easily take screenshots of your computer screen? Maybe you need to be able to share your work with clients, or perhaps you are looking to capture images to share with others. Either way, a screen capture software program can help you capture what you are viewing on your screen and add text, annotations, or images to the page.
To help you find the best screen capture software, we have reviewed the top five options. Read through our reviews, and you'll be able to find the perfect product to meet your specific needs.
Best 5: Screen Capture Software Review
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With Snagit, you'll be able to capture images and recordings of your screen. Capturing the image on your screen is also simple and straightforward when you use Snagit. You just need to use a click-hold-drag technique to capture the whole screen or the section you want to save.
You can also use the tools on Snagit to capture and save videos playing on your screen. After capturing a video in this fashion, you'll be able to save the file to send in an email, or use it to create a GIF.
Snagit's software package comes with easy to use and effective editing tools. You can add images, icons, text, or stamps to the images you capture from your screen. If you are looking to highlight or emphasize a particular piece of an image or text, you can also use the tools to magnify that section.
Snagit will integrate with the tools and applications you use on your computer every day. Some of these tools and applications include Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft OneDrive for Business, and Google Drive.
One group of individuals that Snagit is designed to help is business professionals. Snagit can help in developing an argument, highlighting important information, or identifying ideas to share with coworkers.
FastStone Capture is an easy to use option that will provide you with lots of features you'll enjoy. This product will allow you to capture images from your screen as well as record videos. You will be able to control what happens with the images and videos you capture by choosing to send them to various locations such as Microsoft Word, saving them as a file, printing them, or emailing them.
This software also includes a variety of editing tools that are designed to help you modify the images you capture. You can crop or resize images, apply watermarks, add text, highlight, magnify, and so much more. There is also a built-in video editor that lets you annotate, cut sections, and convert files to GIF files.
With this option, you'll have access to the Capture Panel. This panel will help you easily capture images and decide how they are saved or where they are sent. You can set hotkeys to allow you to instantly capture the image on the screen as well.
You can also set this program up to automatically capture what is on your screen at specified times. If you have a touchscreen computer, you'll also be able to use your fingers to capture image.
This option is designed so it will not use up all the memory space on your computer. You can choose to set it to automatically run when you start up Windows. This will allow it to be running in the background so you can access it whenever you need.
The images can be saved as BMP, GIF, JPEG, PCX, PNG, TGA, TIFF, and PDF files. Videos are saves in WMV format.
You'll enjoy how simple it is to use the ScreenHunter Pro Software. Their interface is designed to help users improve their skills and take advantage of all the features. The control panel is clearly laid out, allowing you to easily see and use all of the options that are available.
You can use this option to capture both images and recordings from your screen. There are numerous editing options that will allow you to add text, symbols, boxes, and more. The editing program is vector-based and allows you to layer different objects to create the effect you want.
When you are recording your screen, you can access your webcam. This will allow you to create the recording you want with just one shot; you won't have to edit over and add in a video of you talking.
This option is able to record and save unlimited MP4 videos. This quality level is ideal for recording videos from YouTube, Skype, conference calls, and more.
To make it easy to capture your screen and access all the tools and features, there is an easy to use desktop toolbar. It is compatible with Windows 7,8, and 10.
If you are looking for a screen capture software that will allow you to easily capture images and videos from your screen, consider Easy Screen Capture. This free program can support various types of files, including videos, music, and images.
It also provides you with a system tray icon to access the program and its features easily. You can also set up global hotkey access to the program, allowing to open it and take screenshots more quickly.
In addition to taking screenshots of images on your screen, you can also use this program for screencast recording. You can access your webcam or voice over your recordings as well, saving you a potential extra step down the road.
Some image and editing features are also included with this option.
With Hypersnap 8, you'll be able to take screenshots off your computer and edit them using the software. This option is designed to be used with Microsoft Windows.
The editing software will allow you to make annotations, add images or text, crop, and resize your image, and so much more. Once you have finished making your edits to your file, you'll be able to save or share it with others.
In addition to taking screenshots, you can also use this product to record videos from your screen. This is a feature that could be helpful when creating how-to videos or when trying to walk members of your organization through the process for using a program or website.
When you purchase this product, you will also receive software for a free math calculator. If you are interested in trying this product, you can download a free trial on their website.
Buying Guide
A screen capture software program can speed up and simplify the process of capturing an image on your computer screen. There are many things having a screen capture software can help with. These range from making memes to communicating effectively with your colleagues or clients.
Take a little time to compare the different features and benefits and consider exactly what you are looking for before purchasing a screen capture software program.
First, pay attention to how easy the software will make it to take a screenshot. Are there special steps you need to take? Is there an easy to use toolbar that you can access?
Next, consider how quickly you'll be able to capture a screen shot. This will be affected by how easy it is to use and find the software on your computer.
You will also want to look for whether the software programs you are considering will allow you to record videos of what is displayed on your screen. If this is a feature you a looking for, be sure to find a product that offers it.
Look into the editing features and tools that come with the software. Are they easy to use? Does it seem like there are enough options to allow you to edit your images how you will want to?
You will also want to pay attention to the size of the files that are created when you take a screenshot or record video. This could impact how much storage these items will take up on your computer. Finally, be sure that the product you choose will work with other apps you use regularly.
best screen capture software
Our favorite screens capture software is Snagit. We chose Snagit because of how quickly and easy it is to use.
You will be able to quickly capture images using the click-hold-drag technique. You can choose whether you capture your whole screen or just a portion of it. Snagit also allows you to make recordings of videos on your screen.
Snagit's software includes editing tools that are designed to help you modify your images to meet your needs. You'll be able to add text, add stickers, magnify different sections, and highlight important information.
Snagit will integrate seamlessly with many apps you already are using, such as Microsoft Word, Microsoft PowerPoint, or Google Drive. It will also make it easy to share important sections and highlight information with your colleagues over email.
Commonly Asked Questions
What is screen capture software?
Screen capture software programs are designed to take a screenshot of your screen. They offer tools and resources designed to help you save, edit, or modify the images to use how you need.
When would I want to take a screenshot?
There are many reasons you may decide to take a screenshot. If you want to save the information you're viewing on a webpage for later references, a screenshot is any easy way to do so. Since you can't generally save a whole webpage to reference later (and it could change), taking a screenshot will ensure you're able to find the information you're looking at a later time.
Screenshots can also help you document important conversations and information. If someone has been harassing you and sending messages or emails, you can use a screenshot software to take a picture of the string of messages on your screen. You may also want to document something for work or other purposes, and taking a screenshot can help you do that as well.
Once you have the screenshot saved, even if the messages or emails somehow disappear from your computer, you'll have proof of what was said during the conversation should you ever need it.
Screenshots can also be a valuable tool for creating archives or mementos. If your favorite website seems to change frequently, taking screenshots of each new page can help you look back at all the change and growth that has occurred over a given period of time.
Screenshots can also help you capture time-sensitive information that may quickly disappear from the internet. For example, if you get a weird error message that you want to be able to share with others or see a tweet from a celebrity or politician that you think may get taken down, you can use your software program to take a screenshot to document the information.
How can screenshots be useful?
In addition to documenting and saving what you see on your computer screen or internet browser, there are a variety of ways you'll find that taking a screenshot can be time-saving and useful.
For example, if you are working with a designer or teammates on creating a website, you can take a quick screenshot of the current design. You can then add your notes and ideas for changes/improvements directly on the screenshot. This can reduce the amount of time you'd have to take explaining where you want the changes to take place, since you can literally mark up the page for everyone to see.
If you're talking with a friend or colleague over the phone and are trying to walk them through the necessary steps to complete a certain task, you can take a screenshot of each step for them. After you take a screenshot, add an arrow or annotation for what they should be doing for each page and send it over to them. This can be especially helpful for people who don't have a deep understanding of technology and can decrease the chances that the person will accidentally click or type in the wrong area on the page.
Another practical use for a screenshot would be to communicate your exact problem or area of need with a customer service team or an IT provider. If your computer or one of your programs displays an error message or something isn't displaying properly, you can take a screenshot of the problem and send it to a support person for assistance. Seeing the exact problem you're experiencing should make it possible for this person to provide you with the assistance and remedy you need to solve the problem.
What can you do with a screenshot after you take it?
A screenshot is an image, so you'll be able to do pretty much anything to your screenshot that you could do to any other saved picture or image on your computer. This includes saving the file, sharing it over email or a messenger program, or printing it.
You can also open up the image and make edits to it. You may want to add text, icons, highlights, arrows, or other features to mark up the screenshot as you see fit.
Why is a screen capture software better than using the free screenshot tools on your computer?
Screen capture programs offer additional functions and features that you won't find with the preloaded screenshot tools on a computer. They feature built-in editors to help you easily crop your screenshots, add text or images, or make other changes to meet your specific needs.
Screen capture software programs also offer the ability to save videos that are playing on your screen, which is something you cannot do with the screenshot tools that come with your computer.
You may also be able to access your webcam when you are capturing a screen or a video. This would provide you with the opportunity to create a recording of yourself at the same time you're recording your screen. This could be very useful if you are trying to create a tutorial or something to share with others related to what is displayed on your screen.
If you frequently work with sensitive information of want to regularly document a website or another source, some software programs will also let you set up for the screen to be captured at select intervals. This will make sure you don't miss out on something that you would want to have saved and documented.
These programs are also designed to be easily integrated with applications such as Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Google Drive, and other programs you use regularly on your computer.
How do you attach a screenshot to an email?
To attach a screenshot to an email, you will first need to confirm where the screenshots are saved. Confirm with your screenshot program's manual if the screenshots are saved in a folder specific to the program or some other program on your computer. Once you have this information, you'll be able to quickly and easily attach the screenshot to an email.
First, open up your email message and click on the paperclip/attach button. Once you click on this, you should be taken to a folder with your documents. You will want to select the folder that holds your screenshots.
Then, you can select the right file/screenshot that you need to attach and click open/attach. If you would like to attach multiple screenshots to the same email, you can either repeat this process for each image you'd like to attach or hold down "CTRL" on your keyboard and select all the screenshots you want to attach at the same time.
Do screen capture software programs let you create screencasts?
Yes, many screen capture programs will allow you to create screencasts. If this is something you'll definitely want to do, you should confirm this feature is included with the programs you are considering.
What is screencasting?
Screencasting is a video recording of the screen on your computer. It is often accompanied by narration from the creator about what is happening on the screen.
Screencasting can be a powerful tool when creating an instructional video. You can walk users through the steps you are taking to use a program, create a product, edit an image, and so much more. Since you can record your voice at the same time you are completing the task, your viewers will be able to follow along with each step you are taking.
Teachers and other online instructors may find screencasting to be especially useful. They can explain something to their students or course attendees and demonstrate the steps they are taking. You could also use screencasting to show the steps needed to solve a problem by writing out each step you are taking on your computer screen.
Having access to this recorded information can be very beneficial to students or anyone trying to follow along with the recording. They can pause the recording to complete the steps along with the video or rewind it if they get confused or miss a step. This is not possible during a life performance.
Another group of people who can benefit from screencasting is company managers and owners. Rather than individually walking each new employee through the different programs and functions they need to know, you can create a screencast to share with each new employee as they start up. This can drastically streamline your organization and decrease wasted time spent covering the same information over and over again.
Screencasts can also be a powerful way to provide helpful feedback to a student or employee. Rather than trying to type out your thoughts in an email or address them over the phone when no one can see the document being referenced, create a screencast. You can highlight the portions of the text you are discussing, use the cursor or other tools to point to areas where changes need to be made, or circle sections that are perfect and should not be revised.
How do you share a screencast?
Different screen capture programs will offer different sharing options, so you'll want to check with your specific program. Many programs will display buttons that will allow you to quickly share your video to different sites or programs. You may be able to select emails, Facebook, Google Classroom, Microsoft Teams, or other destinations depending on the program you use.
You should also be able to save your screencasts as a file on your computer. Once they are saved, you could attach them to an email or upload them onto a website.
How long can a screen recording be?
The answer to this question will likely vary based on the program you are using. Some free programs may place limits on how long your recordings can be and may only allow them to be a few minutes. Paid options will likely make it possible to create much longer recordings to meet all of your needs.