Finding the best money counting machine can save a lot of time and make life a lot easier when it comes to counting bills and currency. Hand counting takes a long period of time, and if you lose count, it can be extremely frustrating and time consuming to start over and count again.
You can save yourself all the trouble of counting money by simply investing in one of the best money counting machines that are currently available for sale. Not only will a product like this make it more convenient to count money, it is also a collectible item that can be used at any time to count a large amount of bills.
If you are looking for a money counting machine for your personal or business related needs, you should closely analyze each of the five products below in order to determine which specific product fits your needs the best. There are some cheaper options that lack features and there are some expensive high end product options that have all of the high quality design elements that top tier customers are looking for.
Top 5: Money Counting Machines Review
Product Image & Rating (Out Of 10) | Product Name | Price |
The LA Air Bank Grade Money Counter Machine is one of the most expensive and also highest rated money counting machines that currently exists on the market. This machine is used by real banks and credit unions because of its outstanding reputation, reliability, and overall value.
This machine is capable of counting at a rapid pace, while still retaining accuracy. The counterfeit bill detection is also extremely useful in order to find fake money in large piles of bills.
If you are looking for a high end money counting machine, then the LA Air Bank Grade Money Counter Machine is definitely one of your best options when it comes to finding quality and value in this industry.
This Money Counter Elite product is extremely unique because it allows customers to count bills with ease. The machine will count the total amount of bills at a pace of up to 1200 bills per minute. This machine is also capable of detecting fake bills, which is an important feature for a wide majority of customers.
A money back guarantee is included with all purchases of this product. If there is ever a need for free customer support, that aspect is also included when purchasing this item.
This Money Counter Machine is rated with extremely positive reviews from customers because it is not only affordable, but also effective. Amazon has also decided to recommend this product to customers because of its outstanding value in the industry.
There is counterfeit detection, a nice feature for customers that are looking for such a feature. The design is user friendly and extremely simple to use. The only setback with this machine is that it only counts bills and not the actual monetary total.
The Money Counter with UV/MG/IR Detection, Bill Counting Machine with Counterfeit Detection slots in as another highly rated bill counting machine that also offers a list of unique features that make it particularly appealing to customers.
It is extremely quick and efficient which is a major plus to customers that are looking for a speedy bill counter. It is also extremely easy to setup and use immediately after opening it. The digital display is a nice touch to make the information readily available to the user in real time.
The G-Star Technology Money Counter with UV/MG Counterfeit Bill Detection Plus External Display is the first product that we will be analyzing in order to showcase the high quality features that it offers. First of all, this product is capable of counting 1000 money bills per minute. It is extremely efficient, and it also has the unique ability to detect fraudulent bills.
The design of this product is intended to be extremely power efficient. It is also extremely affordable and come with an included one year manufacture warranty.
Commonly Asked Questions
How does a money counting machine work?
Money counting machines are designed to cut down the amount of time needed to sort and count out large stacks of cash. They can be especially helpful for businesses that receive cash payments, churches, banks, and other organizations.
Some money counting machines are designed to simply count the number of bills in the stack you place in them. With these machines, you would need to presort the bills and multiple the total number of bills provided by the machine by the value of the bills you were counting. For example, if the machine counted 43 $10 bills, you would know you had $430.
Other machines are able to detect the value of each bill they count. For these machines, you won't need to presort your bills and can simply place the whole stack inside the machine. The machine will quickly read each bill to determine its value. It will then provide you with the total value of the stack of bills it counted.
Do money counting machines sort the bills by value for you?
Yes, some machines can sort the bills for you as they are counted. If this is a feature that is important to you, you will want to look for a product that offers it.
Can money counting machines detect counterfeit bills?
Some money counting machines are equipped with technology that will allow the to detect counterfeit bills. Since genuine bills have florescent symbols printed on them, the machines can use black light to determine if a bill is counterfeit or genuine.
Is it worth it to buy a money counting machine?
If you handle large amounts of bills on a regular basis, you'll likely find that investing in a money counting machine is well worth it. The time it will save you from having to count out the bills on your own will likely be worth the cost of the machine.
Can you use a money counting machine to determine the value of foreign currencies?
Some products include options to count other currencies or have software that can be updated to include the currency you would want to count.
If your machine doesn't have these option or simply counts the number of bills in a stack, you may still be able to use to it determine the value of a stack of money. You would need to sort your bills by denomination first and use the machine to count the number of bills in each stack. Then, multiply to determine the total value.
How many bills can a money counting machine count at one time?
Different products have hoppers with different capacities. While some machines may only be able to hold between 100 and 200 bills at a time, other models can hold over 500. If you regularly deal with large amounts of cash, finding a product with a high capacity may be a good idea.
How long does a money counting machine take to count bills?
Different machines offer different speeds and the number of bills you need counted will determine the total amount of time the machine needs. Some products can count up to 1,000 bills every minute, while other models may be able to count closer to 2,000 bills a minute.
Some models also allow you to choose from different counting speeds based on your specific needs.
Can you use a money counting machine to count and total multiple batches of bills?
Some machines will include a feature that will let you count separate batches of bills and provide you with a total for all the batches. This is a good feature to look for if you'll be counting more bills at a time than will fit in your machine's hopper.
How much does a money counting machine cost?
You'll find that there is quite a range in the prices of money counting machines. Some You can find some products that cost around $100, while other options can easily cost over $1,000.
The capabilities and features of the different products will impact the price you pay. Machines that have a higher capacity, can detect counterfeit bills, total the value of the bills (as opposed to just counting the quantity), sort bills, allow you to count different currencies, and include updatable software will be more expensive.
best money counting machine
Each of these five products has a unique collection of features that will surely resonate with customers in a positive way. There are tough choices to determine which product might be best for your specific personal needs.
One recommendation that can be made is that if you are looking for the most reputable and reliable product, then you will probably want to purchase the high end LA Air Bank Grade Money Counter Machine. While this product is the most expensive of the bunch, it also has the most convincing reputation as far at providing effective bill counting capabilities with accuracy.
3 situations where a money counter is useful
Money counting machine is a general term used to refer to a group of devices that:•Sort
•and verify the legitimacy of a currency
Typically, they contain intelligent counterfeit detection capabilities built into their software. These capabilities ensure that clients or corrupt customers don’t give you illegally manufactured currency. The machines work with both notes and coins.
You will find money counting machines in all shapes and sizes. However, despite the size or make, they come bundled with note counters, coin sorters, and counting capabilities. The following are the situations that you will find money counting machines important.
1. When Automating Your Money Counting Processes
If you are a supermarket, shop, or casino owner, you may have experienced large cash sums that need counting at the close of the business day. The money gets split into all currency denominations, with the smallest spilling all over. A busy street supermarket or casino may make millions in a day.
These figures come in pennies and quarters. If you were a casino table manager, you would get faced with the nightmare of counting pennies and quarters to hit the million-dollar mark.
Lucky for you, the money counting machines have come to your rescue.
These intelligent products have the power to cut the counting duration drastically. You understand that counting money is a cautious exercise that needs a keen eye to spot that coin that is not in the correct group. Or the note that gets in the wrong bundle.
You must also be very keen to ensure that all the coins you have counted are real currency; most importantly, you need to ensure that your count is correct.
Money counting products come with all these capabilities built into their core. They can do simultaneous counting of the coins and notes fed into them, keeping a record of the total amount in the overall and individual denominational total amount.
This automation process will give your employee a boost both physically due to reduced labor and, psychologically, since uncertainty in ensuring you have correctly made the counting can lead to a buildup of blood pressure.
Automating your money counting processes gives you an edge in saving money that would otherwise get lost due to fraud and or miscounting. The losses from miscounting can sometimes seem insignificant, but in the long run, you lose a lot of cash.
2. When You Want to Improve Your Accounting and Service Delivery Speeds
Money registers have inbuilt sorting capabilities that arrange and sort your currency into different currencies. The machine also keeps a record of how many coins or notes are there for a specific denomination.This is a handy capability that will save you much trouble when balancing your accounts. In accounting, speed and accuracy are essential.
Fast-moving businesses that handle hasty customers and long queues of shoppers sometimes get stuck. Often, this happens during a lag in customer handling, especially in giving back change. Failure to address this situation in time might cost you money and customers.
As human beings, we tend to lose patience when we think a particular process takes longer than it should normally do. It is at this point you, as a shopper might decide to shop elsewhere.
The term quality of service is so general, but a disgruntled customer will make it have a different meaning. It will mean losing a customer who may decide to spread a bad word about your poor customer service as a store owner.
Banking institutions handle money in bulk. Without the few tellers they employ, counting the number of funds deposited by clients and in the withdrawal, the pipeline would be a transactional nightmare leaving a trail of lost money and imbalanced accounts.
However, banks have embraced the use of money counters to handle this process. Note and coin counters are perfect acquisition to streamline the counting that would otherwise cause a higher stall of fast banking services. A money counting device would be essential to expedite service delivery to your customers and ensure that you keep them.
3. When Computing Price and Working out Sales Calculations
A significant store has approximately thousands of products displayed for sale. These products have price tags that buyers can use to evaluate the product affordability. With different tastes spreading across different genders and ages, a customer can pick a shopping basket and fill it with products from different sections of the store.
Such that the basket contains hardware, baby care, food, and clothing products. If the cashier were to use the manual methods, they would begin by getting a piece of paper and a pen.
Calculating the total amount billed to the customer would take an approximate of 1 minute for the most experienced cashiers.
For the cashier who is still playing catch-up, it would take up to even 2 minutes to calculate and confirm the figures. It is an unpleasant situation that would lead to the invention of price computing money counters.
These counters have capabilities to compute very complex calculations and indicate the change or the deficit in the amount offered. This very complex process happens in a microsecond and produces a payment acknowledgment receipt. Apart from the increased efficiency and an increase in the number of customers served per hour, you may experience an expanded client base.
The increase in the number of served customers per hour may also translate into an increase in the sales volume.
If you were to consider manual money counting methods in comparison with digital money counters, you would get shocked by the extent of losses you experience due to fraud and incorrect accounting.
Money counters are here to change the modes of operation. They improve productivity by cutting task completion times by almost 100%. These machines are also very reliable when it comes to counting money. When you acquire one, you reduce the probability of error in counting.
The counters are also a substantial barrier to counterfeits. This means the counter will process your money efficiently and securely. Modern money counters can fit into any situation. They are also straightforward to install and manage.
Final Verdict
If you are looking for a solid product that is listed in a slightly cheaper price range, you will want to look at one of the four other choices that are listed in this top five product review section.